Teen Connection

Teen Connection is a program for teens with autism ages 13 to 19 years old. The program will focus on making new friends while working on social and life skills. Each meeting will have social group activities of getting to know each other along with playing board games.

Teen Connection will meet on 2nd Saturday of each month

10:15am to 12:15pm at Greenwood Public Library

310 S. Meridian Street, Greenwood, IN 46143

Registration is required; Space is limited each month.

The participant to staff ratio is 4:1. Teens with autism, who will benefit from Teen Connection must:

Once the waitlist registration has been filled out, our ACC Teen Program Coordinator will email you to let you know if your teen with autism will be able to come to the monthly meeting or not.

Download Teen Connection Flyer

If you have any questions about Teen Connection, contact Kelli Higgins, Executive Director, at k.higgins@autismcc-in.org.

Program Sponsors

Program Mission Sponsors

Program Advocate Sponsor